
fix by my self 2010年06月29日


Auntie of next door could be fix a roof . She is over 80. Scot fix his car the house opposite. but this is American style. House, car, boat, furniture…. everything. of course, my apartment too. Steve has 365days, 10hour per day. me?….help some times. I should be fix every things @ Japan.

こしひかりにみそ汁、しゃけの甘塩焼きに、まぐろのとろステーキ、だし巻きとウインナーにたくあん。$5.98!さすがホノルル。ワイキキのロコスポット。マウイにもこんな定食屋ほしいな〜 次の日もランチはここ”花の里”でざるそば$3.45!


Buffalo Meat! 2010年06月20日

finally, I tasted buffalo meat. my friend told me 5 years ago. “if u have a chance, you gotta eat of buffalo meat. soooo tasty” I bought and cook last night. surely soooo good!! healthy and nutritious. if u have a chance, try eat Buffalo meat!


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